
5 Causes of The Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect refers to the trapping of heat by certain gases in the atmosphere. Although these gases occur in only trace amounts, they block significant amounts of heat from escaping out into space, thus keeping the Earth warm enough for us to survive. Without greenhouse gases, the average surface temperature of the earth would be about -18 degrees Centigrade. However humen have been adding greenhouse gases in excessive amounts to the atmosphere ever since the Industrial Revolution, which is enhancing the greenhouse effect. 

5 Causes of The Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect often gets a bad rap because of its association with global warming, but the truth is we couldn't live without it. The greenhouse effect was discovered by French mathematician Joseph Fourier in 1824 and reliably experimented on by Irish physicist John Tyndall in 1858 and reported by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius 1896 quantitatively. 

Life on earth depends on energy from the sun. About 30 per cent of the sunlight that beams toward Earth is deflected by the outer atmosphere and scattered back into space. The rest 70 per cent reaches the earth's surface and is reflected back again as a type of slow-moving energy called infrared radiation. Most of that heat caused by infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases. They can capture outgoing infrared energy from the earth because these gases having the molecules with three or more atoms. 

5 Causes of the greenhouse effect:
In addition to a large number of substance caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) on the Earth. It turns out that there are still many other substances that can trigger the onset of the greenhouse effect. And we need to have to know the substances that can accelerate the onset of the greenhouse effect.

1. Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound, a substance consists of two atoms of oxygen i.e. with carbon atoms. These substances are gaseous at normal temperature and pressure, which are in the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide concentrations are generally in the Earth's atmosphere is 387 ppm.

This amount could change, depending on the specific place and time. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that has an important role. Because these substances can absorb infrared waves.

Carbon dioxide resulting from the combustion of fuel oil and the like. If under normal circumstances then the substances carbon dioxide will be necessary to maintain the stability of the Earth. But if this is too much substance in the atmosphere can cause the greenhouse effect.

2. Sulfur dioxide
This compound is toxic gases and also has a strong odor. Since coal and petroleum to contain these compounds, then the actual produce sulfur gases. And this substance is also potentially to lead to the occurrence of the greenhouse effect.

3. Nitrogen oxides
Gas is produced from the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen at the time of burning in the air. In places with high traffic density, nitrogen oxide pollution released into the air into the air. This gas formed from all combustion processes that exist around the world.

4. Methane
Methane gas is a gas that does not fit in with the environment, but can produce great energy. This flammable gas but only have concentrations in the air of 5-15% only. While the methane liquid can only be burned if the experience of high pressure with 4-5 atmosphere.

5. Chlorofluorocarbons
Refrigerant production discontinued gradually through the Montreal Protocol due to cause thinning of the ozone layer. This antrogenik compound is a greenhouse gas that can lead to the occurrence of the effect of the glass is higher than that caused by carbon dioxide.

Due To The Greenhouse Effect
Increasing the temperature at the Earth's surface can be the onset of potentially extreme climate changes on Earth. It can also cause disruption of forests and other ecosystems. Thus reducing the ability of the major carbon dioxide absorbent as that is in the Earth.

The rise in temperature on the surface of the Earth also resulted in mountains of polar ice caps melt. That can lead to rising sea levels, water potential to sink small islands in the archipelago.

According to research, the greenhouse effect has resulted in the temperature at the Earth's surface increases 1-5o c. when rising temperatures at Earth's surface remains as it is today. Then it will potentially increase global warming of 1.5-4, 5o C around the year 2030.

Because the carbon dioxide gas concentrations cause increased that reside in the Earth's atmosphere.  It makes the Earth's atmosphere absorbs the heat reflected from the Earth's surface. That will cause the temperature of the Earth's surface increases.

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