
Human Environment Interaction - The Natural Environment

Human actions affect and are affected by the natural environment.  In military operations, whether troops are involved in kinetic maneuvers or in civil-military engagements with local populations, both sides of human-environment interaction must be considered to gain a rich contextual appreciation and awareness of the situation.  This is particularly true in contemporary asymmetric (counterinsurgency) warfare. 

Human Environment Interaction - The Natural Environment

The environment of the natural environment is naturally without any human intervention. The environment in nature include all living things and life that occurs naturally in the Earth. The environment of nature different from the artificial environment of the area and the natural components that have affected humans. The natural environment can be shaped as a river, Lake, sea, mountains, swamps, forests and others.

The natural environment is composed of components of biotic and abiotic component. Abiotic component is a component of everything that exists in the environment is not a living thing. Biotic Environment otherwise is all living things that are in the environment. Examples of environmental abiotic component is rock, soil, water, air, temperature, rain, and the Sun's energy, while examples of biotic environment are various types of plants and animals.

In the natural environment occurred the interaction between biotic abiotic component environment with the environment or vice versa. In fact, the biotic environment between components in nature and environmental abiotic component between components in nature also occur interconnections. An example of the interaction between biotic abiotic component by component is the ground, temperatures and rainfall that affected the types of plants that grow in an area.

High temperatures and large rainfall and fertile soil allows growth of a variety of tropical plants. Tropical plants cannot grow well in arid and desert area temperatures are high or medium-latitude areas in the four seasons.

Biotic environment can also affect the environment of the abiotic component. For example an area that a lot of the foliage will make temperatures become cooler. Compare if you are in an area already densely populated and many vehicles passing by, the air temperature will be higher than it should be. The area that is still a lot of foliage can also store groundwater more because the ground underneath it can absorb more water.

Among abiotic component with the other components of the abiotic component can also occur of mutual influence. For example, large rainfall can lead to annihilation against the ground which is also bigger. High temperatures can cause higher evaporation.

Interplay also occurs between the biotic components of biotic components with others. An example is the various types of plants or flora in a region also followed by various types of animal or plant life in the region.

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