
10 Alternative to Natural Pesticides and Organic Farming

Alternatives to pesticides and organic farming - 10 natural ingredients that can be used as an organic pesticide-Spraying using chemical pesticides may be of great help to repel insects in gardens even kill us. However, excessive usage will be bad for the environment, and health. 

10 Alternative to Natural Pesticides and Organic Farming

Any materials that could be used as an environmentally friendly organic pesticides. Let's get right refer to the following tips:

1. Leaves and seeds mimba
Mimba, or better known as Neem by world community, is one of the most powerful plants to repel as well as exterminating insects. Plants that have a latin name of Azadirachta indica leaf functions as well as seeds for extracted neem oil into or extract mimba.

2. Salt solutions
Actually, salt is to serve as a potent organic pesticide is Himalayan salt crystals that can be as traditional salt with organic processing. 

3. Dish SOAP
Use dishwashing SOAP containing extract of lemon or lemon extract. The trick is pretty easy, just mix together 3 tablespoons of dish SOAP into 1 liter-sized sprayer. It could also added the juice of a lemon or orange to speed improved. These materials are very effective to repel ants, snails, and roaches.

4. Skin onion
Could also use a mixture of onion and the crushed garlic. However, to further save, collect only the skin of onion and garlic. After felt pretty much, soak in water for approximately 3 days in a sealed container, until the solution is lightly browned.

Then filter and spray the solution on the plant to ward off worms and small insects.

5. Eucalyptus oil
Do not use eucalyptus oil is sold in stores in the form of bottled up, because they're expensive. Preferably, I would buy eucalyptus oil directly from the refiners in the form container liters. 

6. Soursop Leaf
Soursop leaves contain active ingredient called annonain and resin. Soursop leaves is effective for controlling pests trips, and if mixed with tobacco, then it can be useful for controlling pests grasshoppers and caterpillars.

7. Dried tobacco leaves
As we know, that tobacco contains toxins called nicotine which are very dangerous to humans. However, nicotine is also a powerful poison to repel pests on crops.

8. Lemongrass
To prevent breeding of pest insects in the garden, planting of Lemongrass is sporadically in your garden. Lemongrass can also be utilized by way of mashing the base as well as the leaves, soaking it with water to sprayed. Lemongrass essential oil contains, and is warm so that it can expel worms on plant cabbage, lice, mites, and aphids.

9. Leaves babadotan
Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides l.) is a plant that is often considered a pest plant by farmers. In Sumatra, plants one leaf is known as spear, and in Madura known as wedusan. This plant can grow to a height of 30-80 cm.

Babadotan leaves contain active compounds called precocene I and precocene II. In addition, it also contains essential oils, saponins, polyphenols, and flavanoid. Precocene compound I danprecocene II is known as anti hormones juvenil, namely hormone used for insect metamorphosis and reproduction, so that can disrupt cell activity and murder.

10. Chili
There are two kinds of ways to use chili peppers as midges on the plant. The first, by way of a blend of Chili, garlic, and water, then sprayed on the plant. The second way is then sprinkled on the ground chili powder around the plant.

So, that's some leaves as well as natural ingredients that can be used as an organic pesticide and insecticide organics. This material may not necessarily be able to directly kill the insect pest as done by chemical pesticides. 

The use of organic pesticides requires time and patience so that the results can be seen. Spray the liquid ones every two or three days, until the pests in crops completely lost.

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