
Arctic Climate Change [Impact for Global Climate, Community Life and Wildlife]

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The Arctic and climate change

Acceleration of warming the Arctic is still left in the world and experience some of the most severe climate impacts on the Earth. One of the most prominent is a drastic reduction in the thickness and area of sea ice.

Arctic Climate Change [Impact for Global Climate, Community Life and Wildlife]

We all depend on the health of the Arctic. But companies and Governments want to drill for oil in waters that melt. The oil-burning led to liquefaction in the first place. We need to protect Arctic waters from oil drilling and fishing industry. Join us and ask world leaders declared the global protection around the Arctic region.

Some experts predicted the Arctic Ocean could lose to in the summer of the year 2030 while others predict it could happen at the beginning of 2012. Permafrost is melting, glaciers are melting, and a layer of ice on Greenland not losing in the hit record levels.

Arctic sea ice underlies entire marine ecosystem, and because of shrinking and thinning, there is a big impact for the people of the Arctic and wildlife.

The increasingly rapid climate change poses new challenges for the durability of life in the Arctic.

In addition to the impact of climate change, other pressure came from human activities simultaneously affecting Arctic life, including air and water pollution, excessive fishing, increased ultraviolet radiation due to ozone increasingly thin, changes to habitat and pollution due to resource extraction.

The impact for the community life of the Arctic and wildlife

A number of indigenous peoples who are and will be affected by the negative impact of depletion of sea ice due to the reduced number of animals they make groceries. Some species are already facing extinction. Coastal erosion caused by rising sea levels and a decrease in sea ice which allows high waves and storms to reach the beach, so some coastal communities forced to move.

The polar bear actually rely sea ice during their life cycle-from hunting seals, their main prey in order to increase the number of offspring. The researchers reported an increase in the number of polar bears are drowning because they must swim farther between ice vapour. A number of other spending time with not eating samil waiting for sea ice freezes at the end of the summer. The study also found that for the first time, polar bear mutually kill each other because of the stress related to food, as a direct impact of the disappearance of sea ice caused by climate change.

Many other species such as seals, whales and walrus are also dependent on the sea ice. Seals that depend on the ice, including the ring seals (seals ranged), seals Ribbon (ribbon seal), Leopard seals (spotted seal) and bearded seals (bearded seal), are particularly vulnerable to the decline in Arctic sea ice since they give birth and nurse their pups on the ice and use it as a place to rest. They also forage near the edge of the ice and under the ice. This would be highly unlikely for this species to be able to adapt to life on land in the condition there is no ice in the summer sea ice area.

Global climate impact

The Arctic, also known as "the refrigerator his world" and one reason is set join the sea ice global climate. Sea ice reflects light, while the dark Arctic Ocean absorbs light. When sea ice melts, a portion of the Arctic Ocean will join exposed, which means more sunlight is absorbed. This causes more warming, which in turn leads to more sea ice melt and that process will continue. This is an example of feedback, a situation where warming causes the onset of warming but will be excess.

Other feedback situations at the North Pole is melting of permafrost. Permafrost is ground that literally is a part that has been frozen, and can be found all over the surface of the soil as well as the Arctic seabed beneath the shallow part of the Arctic Ocean. Due to the temperature rise, permafrost melting, releasing the trapped methane into the atmosphere.

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, so that permafrost is melting and releasing methane into the atmosphere, which in turn exacerbated the warming will cause more permafrost is melting. 

The gradual melting of sea ice and permafrost creates more global warming, the Arctic crisis impacting the serious consequences for the entire planet.

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