
Article on Global Warming [Understanding, Causes, Impact and Susceptibility]

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Global warming is increasing the incidence of the average temperature of the atmosphere, Ocean and land Rising global temperatures are expected to lead to other changes such as rising sea, increasing the intensity of extreme weather events, as well as change the amount and pattern of precipitation.

Article on Global Warming [Understanding, Causes, Impact and Susceptibility]

The consequences of global warming is adversely affected its agricultural output, the loss of glaciers and the extinction of his various types of animals. Most of the Government of the world's countries have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which leads to a reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases.

Global warming resulting in a broad and serious impact for the environment of bio-geophysical (such as melting polar ice caps, rising sea, desert expansion, an increase in rainfall and flooding, climate change, extinction of his particular flora and fauna, migration fauna and pest disease, etc.).

While the impact of socio-economic activities for the community include the following: (a) the disruption of the function of the coastal region and coastal city, (b) disruption of the functions of the infrastructure and facilities such as road networks, ports and the Airport (c) disruption of settlements, (d) a reduction in the productivity of agricultural land, (e) an increase in the risk of cancer and disease outbreaks, etc.). In this paper, the focus given in anticipation of two global warming impact, namely: increase in the face of sea water (sea level rise) and the flood.

The Causes Of Global Warming

1. Greenhouse effect
Global warming (global warming) is essentially a phenomenon of global temperature increase from year to year due to the greenhouse effect (greenhouse effect) caused by increased emissions of the gases.

2. Solar Variations
There is a hypothesis that States that variations of the Sun, with the possibility of enhanced by feedback from clouds, can contribute in a warming moment. The difference between this mechanism with the warming due to the greenhouse effect is the increased solar activity will heat up the reverse greenhouse effect of the stratosphere will cool the stratosphere.

From from two causes above, it turns out that there is also the onset of global warming caused by the occupants of the earth itself as humans, animals, and plants, among others, are as follows:
1. The rising carbon gas emissions.
2. Leaking ozone layer.
3. Reduced carbon gas converter.

The Impact Of Global Warming

Global warming resulting in a broad and serious impact for the environment of bio-geophysical (such as melting polar ice caps, rising sea, desert expansion, an increase in rainfall and flooding, climate change, extinction of his specific flora and fauna, migration fauna and pest disease, etc.).

While the impact of socio-economic activities for the community include:
1. Disruption to the functioning of the coastal areas and beach town.
2. Disruption of the functions of the infrastructure and facilities such as road networks, ports and the airport.
3. Disruption of settlements,
4. A reduction in the productivity of agricultural land,
5. Increased risk of cancer and disease outbreaks.

How the susceptibility of global warming

As for the actions that we can do in an effort to anticipate the global warming is changing everyday behaviour in order to save energy.

Among others in the following ways:
a. save electricity. For example use tv as needed, make it a habit turned off the television when not in use, as well as other devices such as DVD, HiFi and Home Theater, use the electric flat irons that use automatic heat regulator system and set the level of heat is required in accordance with his clothes, and replace the bulb lights with clear lights and CFL types because of dust can reduce the level of illumination of up to 5%.
b. If using AIR CONDITIONING, close the doors and Windows during the AIR CONDITIONING is turned on and set the temperature to taste or about 21-24 º C and then turn off the AIR CONDITIONING when not in use.
c. tree planting as much as possible in your environment.
d. Drying clothes outside, because of the wind and heat better than using a machine dryer (dryer) that many took out carbon emissions.
e. Use public transportation that is free of emissions. Bike for work one of the alternatives.
f. Save the use of paper, because the raw material derived from wood.
g. Say no to plastic trash, because almost all plastic produce harmful gases when burned (the recycled plastic)

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